Disclaimer: Although many people have found our free tutorial videos to be helpful while studying for various NetSuite Certification exams, our trainings are not designed to be used as test prep materials. Rather, all of our training courses and free NetSuite user tutorials are geared towards helping NetSuite users learn the skills they need in order to get the most out of their NetSuite system. If you are interested in pursuing a NetSuite certification, please visit the official NetSuite Certification Page for more information.
Learn NetSuite navigation with this video demo, showing basic skills that any new user will have to undertake, including the basics of shortcuts (favorites), quick navigation techniques, search methods, and setting up new employee records. Find out how to set up employee access to your NetSuite account. Also, you will get a brief demo of how to use the search bar to get better results.
Get NetSuite help with a complete guide to everything available in NetSuite. SuiteAnswers is a highly technical set of documentation, but ultimately, it will give you the answers you need to resolve your NetSuite issues. This lesson gives an introduction to SuiteAnswers and the difference between articles and NetSuite help.
Learn to search for NetSuite and Third-Party bundles to improve your NetSuite system with limited customizations in this video demo. Installed bundles, searching bundles, installing a bundle, the bundle audit trail, and uninstalling bundles. Understand how to search for, install, and uninstall bundles to save you time and money.
Learn the basics of saved searches to report on your data and retrieve all the information you need from your system with this video demo. Creating saved searches, IDs, criteria, results, expressions, formulas, and drill down fields. Uncover the power of NetSuite by grasping how to create and manipulate Saved Searches. If you're looking for more in-depth training on NetSuite Saved Searches, or if you want to learn how to build saved searches commonly used by accountants, check out the Saved Search Course linked below!
Learn how to easily import your data into NetSuite with this video demo. This video covers knowing the data you need for an import, how to format your Excel file for import, fields in NetSuite, mapping fields, and status and response. Acquire the skills needed to get the data you need into the system you use.
Learn how to simplify NetSuite for your employees and make sure they only see the information you want them to see with this demo video. Manage roles, customize permissions, give employees roles, manage users, login audit trail, and show role differences. Perfect applying roles with different access levels to the appropriate employees and audit your permissions with ease.
Learn how to use the NetSuite dashboard to get reporting displayed for different NetSuite users. Dashboards allow for your employees to be shown important information to make decisions throughout their day. They can also be used to streamline the internal communications of your company.
Getting your NetSuite company information and general preferences set up is going to be one of the first tasks of your implementation. You may not need to set it up yourself, but you will likely need to make small modifications in the future. Getting exposure to where it is located and what exists in these NetSuite pages will help you adjust your company data when the time comes to make modifications.
Learn how to set your personal preferences in NetSuite, including the color of the NetSuite theme. You will be able to restrict views to subsidiaries, override company general preferences, and customize NetSuite options that only affect your user account.
Learn about NetSuite features and how to turn on special features. You will also find out about why you should use the enable features with care (i.e. Advanced tax feature). Enabling features in NetSuite is a common practice as your company grows and adapts its NetSuite ERP system. Taking the time to understand each of the features will expose you to the power of NetSuite.
Learn how to organize your NetSuite record data to allow for more efficient navigation and data entry. This video teaches you how to add a subtab to a NetSuite record. You will also learn how to manage your fields on the record, with a brief introduction to the call-to-action button customization.
Learn the fundamentals of Advanced PDFs and how to use and customize them to deliver well-formatted company-specific invoices to clients with this demo video. Template setup, builder tool, assign Advanced PDFs to forms, print and edit, image properties, company name and address, table properties, preview, source fields, page number, add a horizontal line, tables, trying out your template, and editing source code. Discover the flexibility provided by Advanced PDFs to deliver quality material to your clients.
Learn about Email Templates, how they differ from Advanced PDFs, and how you need to customize them to email professional templates to your clients with this demo video. Create an Email Template, copy your Advanced PDF code, attach your template to the proper form, test your Email Template, and edit your Email Template. Know how Email Templates work and what you need to do to customize them as best fits your needs.
Finding NetSuite resources to hire permanently can be a challenging task. Watch this video about hiring NetSuite developers and administrators to get ahead of the game. The video discusses which recruitment firms offer better services in the industry. Many of our clients have used recruitment firms, and there are some common ones you should avoid.
Find the right NetSuite partner to implement your NetSuite ERP system is one of the scary steps. You will need to vet them to see if they are a good fit for your business. If you are implementing SuiteCommerce, you will need to find a partner who specializes in that product. Many companies are not aware that they can get more affordable implementations using qualified third-party consultants. Going this route may allow for the implementation to be cut in half while getting a faster result. If you are a CFO or in management, then this is a must-see NetSuite video.
That's All For Now!
Note: Many of these answers link to videos from the lessons above.
You can have a NetSuite administrator manually change your password, or you can request to change your password by clicking "forgot your password" in the NetSuite log-in page. You will likely have to use your security questions.
Dashboards are one of the things that make NetSuite such a powerful ERP solution. To learn how to customize your dashboard to view just the right data, check out our tutorial video on NetSuite Dashboard Customization.
CSV uploads are a great way to bring large amounts of data into your NetSuite system. To learn how to complete a CSV upload in NetSuite, check out our CSV uploads tutorial video.
NetSuite saved searches are great reporting tools inside of NetSuite that help you filter down specific company data into one simple report. Needing a refresher on the basics of NetSuite Saved Searches or on writing formulas to get the report you want? Check out our tutorial video on NetSuite Saved Searches.
Need to know how to update NetSuite bundles? Wondering what a NetSuite bundle repository is? Check out our tutorial video on NetSuite SuiteBundler Installations.
Roles and permissions play an important part in making sure that everyone in your business has access to the right data, no more, no less. Check out our tutorial video on setting up NetSuite Roles & Permissions to learn more.
Creating an Advanced PDF, and assigning a new custom advanced PDF to your invoice or sales order, can be a complicated process. Check out our NetSuite Advanced PDF Course to learn how!
Creating email templates in NetSuite is usually the next step after creating Advanced PDFs, and the process of setting them up is similar. However, there are some key differences, particularly with regard to formatting. Check out our tutorial on creating NetSuite Email Templates to learn more.
If you are in the classic center view (e.g. Admin roles), then you can navigate to LISTS > RELATIONSHIPS > PARTNERS. This will provide you a list of all the partners and a button that lets you create a new partner record in NetSuite. You can also use the global search bar by typing part: [partnername]. If you want to search for the full list of partners through the global search bar, you can type page: partners which will take you to the full list of partners.
We get it, and this is what our team does every day. Everything from consulting to development. These lessons just touch the surface, so you may need an expert to get your projects implemented quickly while you spend time learning. Then, when a project is complete, we can add to your knowledge base and enable you to take the reins. We also offer NetSuite Managed Services, so you don't ever have to worry about admins or maintenance!
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