BigCommerce Implementation

What is BigCommerce Implementation?


BigCommerce Implementation refers to the process of creating and optimizing a BigCommerce website for an ecommerce business. This could be relevant for a brand-new ecommerce store or for an existing ecommerce store looking to make the switch to BigCommerce. Here, at Anchor Group, we offer full-scale BigCommerce Implementation services for both scenarios. 

anchor group bigcommerce developer

Tasks within a full-scale integration may include: 

  • BigCommerce Graphic Design Services: This includes working with a graphic designer to cast a vision for your website.  
  • Custom BigCommerce Themes: This includes having a BigCommerce Developer create a custom theme for your website on BigCommerce.  
  • BigCommerce SEO Services: This is dedicated time for optimizing your online store in ways that improve the performance of your website on search engines.  
  • BigCommerce App Development: This involves creating custom applications or setting up existing ones to extend the functionality of your ecommerce store.  
  • NetSuite BigCommerce Integration: This refers to linking your BigCommerce and NetSuite accounts together, so data can flow from one platform to the other. 

Our team of US-based BigCommerce web designers can do all of this while customizing your ecommerce site to fit your brand’s look and feel. Are you not sure where to start? Work with our BigCommerce Consultants to discover the right solutions for your business case!


Official BigCommerce Certified Partner

Anchor Group is recognized as a BigCommerce Certified Partner. This means our team of BigCommerce developers have completed exclusive training on the BigCommerce platform to ensure they know the true capabilities. BigCommerce is a fast-paced ecommerce hosting platform, so there are frequently releases of new features. Our team of developers stay in-tune with the latest BigCommerce updates to best serve you!  


Full-Service BigCommerce Implementation

US-Based BigCommerce Implementation Services


BigCommerce implementations are no small feat. There are many pieces to the puzzle that need to fit together for a successful implementation. There is a general process flow for full-scale implementations that gives the project structure to ensure successful completion.

bigcommerce implementation requirements list

Business Requirements and Analysis

To create a path to success the process starts with establishing goals and analyzing the current state of your ecommerce store. Here at Anchor Group, we’ve worked with clients in various sectors of ecommerce, including automotive, food, construction, manufacturing, and sporting goods retail. These experiences have given us valuable insights into different markets and consumer behaviors. We bring this experience into our conversations.  

hire bigcommerce theme developers

BigCommerce Store Design

This is where we start putting the plan into action! Anchor Group has a US-based team of BigCommerce website designers that specialize in designing websites on the platform. In this stage, BigCommerce storefront design tasks can range from minor theme customizations, to developing unique custom themes specific to your business.

bigcommerce development services

BigCommerce Development

While the previous stage focused on the overall appearance and more general user experience of your website, this stage focuses on adding specific features to your website. This can be achieved through a combination of various development tasks, such as plugging in BigCommerce Apps, integrations to your favorite 3rd-party software, or even developing brand-new customizations.  

bitcommerce netsuite inntegration

NetSuite + ERP Integration 

We are a NetSuite partner and skilled in NetSuite integrations. NetSuite is a powerful ERP system and becomes even more useful when paired with a BigCommerce store. We are well-versed in NetSuite BigCommerce integrations, a critical piece to get right when using both NetSuite and BigCommerce. Integrating BigCommerce and NetSuite allows data to flow smoothly between both platforms.

seo service for bigcommerce websites

BigCommerce SEO  

Before turning on the switch, we will make sure all your data is optimized for BigCommerce SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We can add unique data management features that will ensure your SEO remains optimized as you add new items to your ecommerce store.  

Bigcommerce support

Post Go-Live Support

After you go live with BigCommerce, you may decide to add further customization based on how customers are interacting with your online store. We can provide post-go-live support through recommendations for BigCommerce or managed service plans.  


BigCommerce Partner

Here at Anchor Group, we understand the BigCommerce ecosystem very well and have a team of trained developers ready to create your perfect website. Every implementation is different As a BigCommerce Certified Partner, we understand BigCommerce features that are commonly used as part of BigCommerce implementations.  

bigcommerce multi-storefront icon, black and white outline of a store


BigCommerce Multistorefront allows you to create multiple storefronts all tied back to the same BigCommerce dashboard. This means you can more seamlessly manage inventory, shipping, orders, and returns all from one account. Multi-storefront can be leveraged in many ways to help you scale and grow your business!  

bigcommerce cross channel icon, grid-globe black and white outline with text reading www...

BigCommerce Omnichannel 

BigCommerce offers a perfect solution for merchants that sell on multiple platforms at once. For example, if you sell on platforms like Facebook, Amazon, Ebay, and Walmart in addition to your BigCommerce website, then Feedonomics would be a great feature to your BigCommerce dashboard. Feedonomics is a data feed management product that gives clear visibility to your orders across all selling platforms. You will be able to see orders, returns, and cancelations all in one place. This is a great solution if you sell across multiple channels.

bigcommerce b2b edition logo black and white outline of pen about to write on a line

B2B Edition 

BigCommerce B2B Edition is available for enterprise merchants. This feature is added to stores that need specific elements for large scale B2B eCommerce success. BigCommerce B2B Edition includes a buyer portal, sales rep masquerade, payment visibility control, ability to set buyer roles, invoice portal, easy buy again features, shared shopping lists, and more! All of these elements are important in B2B business. With B2B edition BigCommerce, all of these are built-in and ready for you to use!  


Why Consider Working With Anchor Group?

Anchor Group took the time to listen to our needs, suggest creative solutions to accommodate our requirements, and provided honest feedback every step of the way. Post go-live, Anchor has always been in our corner to help with any issues or questions that have arisen.

- D. H.

Trust, thoroughness and overall, very courteous. I mean their team has been very courteous and all these meetings they've had with us... very conscious of people's time, I think professionalism in general is pretty high up there. We value that!

- J. C.


BigCommerce BigDev Certified  

Anchor Group is BigCommerce BigDev Certified in addition to being a BigCommerce Certified Partner. This means our developers have completed hours of BigCommerce website development training to ensure they know the ins and outs of BigCommerce. An advantage of choosing BigCommerce as your eCommerce platform is the fact that BigCommerce is open Saas. This enables developers to have more freedom to create the website their clients are looking for.  


BigCommerce Standard 

BigCommerce automatically comes with a native page-builder tool included in your BigCommerce subscription fee. The native tool incorporates industry best practices in technology, SEO, and design standards while allowing BigCommerce website developers the autonomy to create masterful websites.  

BigCommerce Headless 

BigCommerce Headless gives developers the ability to get very creative with their BigCommerce site design. In the headless approach, the back-end dashboard runs independently from the front-end of the website “head”. Communication is set up between the two via an API layer. This means, the back end of the website could be run by BigCommerce, while the front end of the website could be run by WordPress (as an example). When using a Headless storefront, BigCommerce site developers can cater to the UX (user experience) in unique ways to fit merchant needs. Additionally, headless websites often run faster than standard BigCommerce sites which helps their SEO as well as providing a better customer experience than comparable slower websites.  


Our NetSuite Services

Going Beyond BigCommerce | NetSuite BigCommerce Services


NetSuite Services

  • NetSuite Implementation
  • SuiteScript NetSuite development
  • Integrations to 3rd party software
  • NetSuite Accounting Services
  • Advanced Reporting/SuiteAnalytics
  • Outsourced NetSuite Administration

If a project is NetSuite related... we are equipped with the people you need!

The Anchor Group NetSuite Consultants team brings services beyond BigCommerce by providing Managed NetSuite Services to your organization. You will be surprised how affordable your rates will be for senior-level NetSuite consultants and developers.


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