Automatic Credit Card Fee

A SuiteCommerce App by the Developers at Anchor Group


Do you want to add a fee to your cart? Credit card or maybe some other type of special fee? This customization will take the cart total and add a fee to it. For credit card fees, only make the fee apply when the credit card option is selected!


SuiteCommerce App Features

  • Automatically and effortlessly applies a fee when paying with a credit card
  • The fee can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the total cost
  • The fee will apply to the entire cost of the order, including shipping
  • Script manages sales orders and keeps fee up to date if the order is edited
  • All fees will be kept track of as a non-inventory item for easy accounting
  • Does not slow down the customer’s web experience
  • Can be customized to include different fees for different payment options, plus any theme/visual changes

Business Use Cases

  • Recover cost of credit card transactions

To learn more about this SuiteCommerce app, request a demo from our team!


Product Details

Implementation Time

Implementation Time

35 hours

black outline of monitor with code brackets



black outline of cardboard box



black outline file folder


Checkout Feature

adjustments icon black outline of soundboard dials



black outline of square with black star outline in center


# of Ratings: 2

Total Rating: 5


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